Why Choose Individual Therapy For Depression?
Depression is a broad, complicated illness, but one of the most concerning signs of depression is an individual’s unwillingness to seek out treatments for their condition. It is a condition in which professionals prefer individual therapy as it gives the psychotherapist more extraordinary ability to help an individual on a one-on-one basis.
A survey conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness reveals that nearly half (49.2%) of adults with mental illnesses do not receive treatment from a professional, despite meeting the criteria for treatment according to standards set in DSM-5. Because most mental conditions are not severe and sometimes can’t be recognized compared to general emotions, e.g., people lock themself in grief and may overcome it within one or two days, which is considered a common human reaction to losing a loved one. But a few people can’t overcome yet won’t show any emotions after the period, which may lead to severe trauma that shows symptoms after some time, resulting in severe mental illness.
What Is Individual Therapy?
Individual therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves one person working with one therapist to address their individual treatment needs. Like group therapy, individual therapy is led by a trained therapist who has spent numerous years in school and training and receives ongoing supervision from more experienced practitioners to ensure that they provide the best possible care for their patients.
In individual therapy, there are typically issues to be discussed that may or may not be relevant to the overall goal of the session. Additionally, it is quite challenging to express emotions fully because of individuals’ lack of interest or unwillingness. So, the therapist first makes sure the individual feels convenient and builds good rapport to gain complete trust.
Individual therapy can be an excellent treatment option for several reasons but is not limited to mental illnesses. It will be a great option if the person lacks confidence, has trust issues, doubts, insecurity, and other personal or behavioral issues.
As a mental health professional, one of my primary goals is to give people back the life they want. It can include helping individuals learn how to overcome depression because of this illness’s significant impact on an individual’s emotional, physical, and social well-being. Moreover, I believe that every person has a right to enjoy their life as much as possible, and I take it as a personal challenge when someone doesn’t think that psychotherapy is something they can access or engage in successfully.
Why Individual Therapy For Depression?
Individual therapy can be an excellent alternative to group therapy for individuals who feel that it is an intimidating environment. Group sessions often involve sitting in a room with other people, making it challenging for depression. Individuals may think that they are more comfortable engaging in individual therapy because they know the therapist and can be more open about their personal and emotional issues.
Sometimes, individuals burdened by depression can find it challenging to engage in therapy as they may feel that their session is less important than the others. Having individual sessions can help the person feel more engaged and invested in their own treatment. It is also beneficial because individuals who have difficulty interacting with others often find individual therapy less intimidating and easier to access.
Individual therapy is a great way to overcome depression and engage in treatment. People who are more hesitant to seek out treatment may lack knowledge about the benefits of individual therapy. By engaging in individual therapy for depression, individuals can find a treatment option that helps them work through their issues on their own terms. In order to help both the individual and the therapist, it is essential for the person to be comfortable with their therapist. It often takes some time and can happen naturally as the client becomes more involved in their session.
However, individual therapy can also serve an additional purpose. If depression affects your work productivity or personal relationships, single sessions may be enough to provide relief or improve your situation. Are you already working with a therapist? Taking time out of your schedule to address issues one-by-one can yield very positive results.
Or, if you are looking for a professional, Psychotherapy Partners MN would be a great choice to find a professional therapist for depression.
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